Stopping the Violence Counselling
A non-judgmental, safe environment for women to explore their experiences.
- Provides counselling for women who currently experience or have previously experienced abuse in an intimate adult relationship and/or who were sexually abused as children and/or have experienced sexual assault.
- Counsellors have specialized training to provide therapy for symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Individual and group counselling provides education and information about PTSD as well as strategies for managing symptoms and resolving trauma.
- Counselling also encourages the development of good self-care and support systems, developing assertiveness skills and boundaries, and strengthening self-confidence and self-worth.
- Counselling also includes an opportunity to learn about the dynamics of abusive relationships and how to take steps to keep oneself safe.
- Referrals are provided to meet the needs of clients not provided in the program such as safety planning, court support, medical issues, and others.
Community Counselling
Community Counselling is available for more generalized depression and anxiety issues and provides a non-judgmental, safe environment for men and women to explore their own experiences and topics like:
- Healthy Relationships
- Childhood Sexual Abuse
- Anger Management
A Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder group is offered. This psycho-educational group provides information about PTSD and many accompanying issues such as shame and self-blame, coping skills, mindfulness skills, understanding feelings, and more.
Stopping the Violence and Community Counselling programs are free and can be accessed directly by individual through self-referral or referrals from any community agency.
Funded by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General and Interior Health