Safety during a violent incident

  • If an argument seems unavoidable, try to have it in a room or area that has access to an exit. Avoid the bathroom, kitchen or anywhere near weapons.
  • Practice how to get out of your home safely. Identify which doors, windows, elevator, or stairs would be safe and easily accessible.
  • Have a packed bag ready. Keep it in a secret place in order to leave quickly.
  • Identify a neighbor you can tell about the violence and ask that they call the police if they hear a disturbance coming from your home.
  • Make a code word to use with your children, family, friends, and neighbors when you need the police.
  • Decide where you will go if you have to leave home (even if right now you doubt you will need to).
  • If the situation is very dangerous, use your own instinct and judgment to keep yourself safe. Calming the abuser may be the most important thing to do. Call the police as soon as it is safe to do so. You can obtain a restraining order or peace bond, have “no contact” conditions, or he can be arrested and jailed pending a court appearance.

This information is compliments of Northern Society for Domestic Peace