BC Society of Transition Houses www.bcsth.ca
- Resource with an up-to-date listing of Transition Housing, Second and Third Stage Houses, Safe Homes, Children Who Witness Abuse Programs, and other groups that serve the needs of women and their children fleeing violence.
Ending Violence Association www.endingviolence.org
- EVA BC works to support and coordinate with victim-serving and anti-violence organizations and survivors of violence. Formerly the BC Association of Specialized Victims Assistance and Counselling Programs.
Police Based Victim Services www.policevictimservices.bc.ca
- Police Victim Services of British Columbia (PVSBC) is a non-profit association dedicated to serving the needs of police victim services programs. As the largest police victim services association in Canada, PVSBC provides leadership, support, advocacy and training to professionals working in the field of victim services.
Women’s Shelters Canada www.endvaw.ca
Canadian Women’s Foundation www.canadianwomen.org
BC Women’s Hospital & Health Centre Foundation www.bcwomensfoundation.org
Archway Society for Domestic Peace (Vernon) www.archwaysociety.ca
Kelowna Women’s Shelter www.kelownawomensshelter.ca
Revelstoke Women’s Shelter Society www.revelstokewomensshelter.com
Elizabeth Fry Society
Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver www.elizabethfry.com
The Central Okanagan Elizabeth Fry Society www.empowerific.com
Kamloops and District Elizabeth Fry Society www.kamloopsefry.com
Battered Women’s Support Services (Vancouver) www.bwss.org
WAVAW Rape Crisis Centre (Vancouver) www.wavaw.ca