Prevention, Education, Advocacy, Counselling, and Empowerment
Formerly the Children Who Witness Abuse Program
Specially designed for children and youth between the ages of 3-18 who have experienced violence, the PEACE Program uses art, play, story-telling and multi-media to gently support children and youth by:
- providing emotional support,
- providing accurate information to help kids understand their experiences and the impacts of experiencing violence,
- providing reassurance,
- helping them explore their feelings (e.g. grief, anger, loss),
- setting, and teaching, boundaries,
- fostering and acknowledging resilience,
- assisting with goal setting,
- teaching skills, such as grounding skills and safety planning,
- challenging thinking patterns,
- sharing family stories,
- exploring, acknowledging, and validating their responses to violence,
- providing opportunities for social interaction with safe adults and peers,
- providing parenting support to caregivers and or guardians of clients.
If you would like to learn more about the PEACE program and find out if this program is right for you, please reach out. Self referrals are accepted.
Funded by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General