Not only is it possible to stay in touch with our community outreach, events and other fundraising activities, in many cases your activity on social media networks can actively support us and further our work.

Here are some ways you can use social media to make a difference to the SAFE Society:

Become a follower

Our social media presence gives us the ability to promote the work we do within the Shuswap, showcase our fundraising events and feature ways to donate. Our online presence and the connections that can be made on social media are an essential parts of our outreach and marketing plan.

We invite you to follow/like our page so that our updates appear in your news feed. For example, you can follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Simply interacting with the updates, images and videos a charity posts, such as liking, retweeting, sharing or commenting on them, alerts all the people in your personal network to the same content, and so on, helping to spread our message to more and more potential supporters. We’d really appreciate that!

Interact with live content

Real-time content is fast becoming the next big social media trend. It gives an immediate live snapshot of whatever a charity is up to at that particular moment in time, such as a fundraising event or working on the ground delivering aid, truly making its supporters part of the action.

Both Facebook and Twitter have their own version of a live video streaming platform. Facebook’s is called Facebook Live, while on Twitter it’s known as Periscope. Both apps allow you to join a live video stream hosted by a charity you follow. If you’re online when the video starts or while it’s underway, you’ll get a notification asking if you want to view it, but charities will usually let you know ahead of time too. You can also like and comment on the live video, and invite friends to join the stream.

Share your donations and become a Social Media Ambassador

Every time you make a donation to the SAFE Society, you can share it with your friends and followers on Facebook and/or Twitter, letting them know you’ve made a donation. This is one of the best ways to alert others to your support, and acts as your own personal endorsement of a cause.

If you want to do more on behalf of the SAFE Society, why not write a blog post about our work and why we mean so much to you, before sharing it among your friends, followers, and even via email? Link back to our social media profiles to help increase the reach of your message.

Don’t forget, it all starts by following the SAFE Society on Facebook and Instagram. Connect with us now to keep up to date with our latest news and charity updates.

Content from this page adapted from CAF